
Welcome to my blog!

Hi everyone!
I have decided that its time for me to jump on the bandwagon and start a blog!
I've always wanted to, however, I wanted it to be focused on something specific.  I could never think of a topic that I was passionate enough to write about perennially, but now that the last of my college days are creeping up on me, I've began to give a lot of thought to my future and more specifically, to my career goals.  Growing up in Africa has shaped my views and the issues that I see as important and pressing, and I can't imagine not giving back to my home in some way.  I spent my most impressionable years on the continent and witnessed more pain and suffering than I hope to see for the remainder of my life. I truly believe that the HIV/AIDS epidemic that is currently afflicting Africa, is one of the major reasons that the continent is not progressing at the same rate as others.  There are currently 24.5 million people living with HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa, affecting the economies and infrastructures in crippling ways. This statistic horrifies me, but it also compels me to do something about the issue.  Although my blog will not single handedly eradicate the virus, it will allow me to inform people about the pressing issues that exist around the world.  Being an advertising and marketing fiend, it is only natural for me to explore the impact and the effect that social media and marketing has on HIV/AIDS, and the social marketing trends that currently exist. I'm hoping that by writing this blog, I will not only learn/inform how advertising and marketing can lead to social change, I will also discover what areas of social marketing interest me the most.  I'm sure that with time my writing and exploration will take several twists and turns and touch on varying subjects, but I hope you will all find at least some parts of it interesting.  Feel free to give me feed back, I would love to hear varying opinions and ideas
Thats all for now. Enjoy:)  



  1. I am so glad that someone decided to take the time to address one of the most pressing issues of our world today, instead of placing it on the back-burner. The continent of Africa, as a whole, is growing in status and technology but no one seems to notice because of the rate it is advancing. HIV/AIDS is a constant hindrance to the people trying to live their regular, day-to-day lives. Not to mention that everyone's eyes are glued to the Middle East and the United State's "important" issues of terrorism. There are people suffering all over the world and as far as I'm concerned, the majority of them do not reside in the US of A. I know that it is very hard for someone to look beyond the mountain when they can not even see over the hill that is in their own backyard; however, acknowledging a persisting problem is the first step to fixing it. There is no way to just "fix" AIDS or end war in Darfur, but the second that we tell ourselves that "There is nothing we can do," is the moment we have thrown up our hands and given up for every cause that plagues our earth. We are of one Planet and of one People. Proximity should not make the problems of others nonexistent. Stand up and take on a small cause, just to start. Make a contribution. Read a line or two of an article that does not appear on Washington Post or the New York Times. If you don't look at either, then start. Do something! It doesn't matter what it is or for what political agenda it’s for, just take a look at your surroundings and make an opinion! Help stop global suffering by giving your time and your attention. The world is passing us by as I type on this computer. Feel affected by the people who are suffering with an incurable disease so they will know that there ARE people, other than themselves, thinking about their condition and trying to find the answers that they cannot. HIV/AIDS is still prevalent, now more than ever. Don't think that it has just disappeared because it doesn't show up on T.V. as much or because it’s not talked about. It is being talked about. You just have to know where to listen. Keep it going CH.

  2. hmmm....Maybe YOU should write the blog Mr. Lewis! Thanks for the heartfelt and sincere contribution!
